# Roadmap

See what amazing new features we are expecting to land in the next TypeORM versions.

# Note on 1.0.0 release

We are planning to release a final stable 1.0.0 version in near future. However, TypeORM is already actively used in a number of big production systems. The main API is already very stable. TypeORM follows a semantic versioning and until 1.0.0, breaking changes may appear in 0.x.x versions. However, since the API is already quite stable we don't expect too many breaking changes.

# How to install latest development version?

To install latest development version use the following command:

npm i typeorm@next

# 0.3.0

  • [ ] research @Select and @Where decorators
  • [ ] add addSelectAndMap functionality to QueryBuilder
  • [ ] research internationalization features
  • [ ] research ability to create one-to-many relations without inverse sides
  • [ ] research ability to create a single relation with multiple entities at once
  • [ ] more tree repository functionality
  • [ ] cli: create database backup command
  • [ ] extend query method functionality
  • [ ] better internal ORM logging
  • [ ] better error handling and user-friendly messages
  • [ ] better JavaScript support - more docs and test coverage
  • [ ] research NativeScript support
  • [ ] finish naming strategy implementation
  • [ ] implement soft deletion

# 0.2.0

  • [x] add more tree-table features: nested set and materialized path; more repository methods
  • [x] fix Oracle driver issues and make oracle stable and ready for production use
  • [x] implement migrations generator for all drivers
  • [x] create example how to use TypeORM in Electron apps
  • [x] finish subscribers and listeners implementation
  • [x] refactor persistence mechanism
  • [x] fix all issues with cascades and make stable functionality
  • [x] implement API for manual migration creation
  • [x] add sql.js driver
  • [x] fix inheritance support issues